Kat Lees - Designs by Kat

Acrylic Paint Doll Face Painting, Face Painting Basics Workshop By Kat Lees (PDF Download)

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  • Acrylic Paint Doll Face Painting,  Face Painting Basics Workshop By Kat Lees (PDF)
  • Acrylic Paint Doll Face Painting,  Face Painting Basics Workshop By Kat Lees (PDF)
  • Acrylic Paint Doll Face Painting  PDF  Workshop
  • Acrylic Paint Doll Face Painting Workshop - PDF Download
  • PDF Download -  Acrylic Paint Doll Face Painting Workshop By Kat Lees
  • Acrylic Paint Doll Face Painting Workshop By Kat Lees (PDF Download Workshop)
  • Face Painting Basics PDF Workshop
  • Face Painting Basics Workshop  (PDF)
  • Face Painting Basics Workshop By Kat Lees - PDF Download
  • Face Painting Basics Workshop By Kat Lees (PDF)
Price $25.00


Acrylic Paint Doll Face Painting, Face Painting Basics Workshop By Kat Lees - PDF Download Workshop

This amazingly comprehensive workshop will take you brush stoke, by brush stroke through creating a face with acrylic paints.

You'll find detailed instruction about the use of different fabrics and textures, feature placement and then painting and finishing the face.

You'll definitely take your skills to another level with this awesome workshop.

This is a PDF Download Workshop by Kat Lees of "Designs by Kat"

4 Files are Included...

File 1 - Lessons 1 and 2 - Learning About Fabric and Leaning Feature Placement

File 2 - Lesson 3 - Painting the Face

File 3 - Lesson 4 - Finishing the Face

File 4 - Face Templates

This is a PDF Instant Download!  Start Learning Today!

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